Biosecurity Risk Calculator Tool

Determine your horse’s risk for infectious disease
Infection control means doing what you can to prevent disease; it’s all about lowering the odds of a sick horse.
The Biosecurity Risk Calculator will show you how your horse’s farm (or stable) rates and provide basic information on infectious disease as well as practical prevention tips.
Please note: This information provides guidelines only and should never replace information from your veterinarian.
Is Your Farm or Stable at Risk?
Complete this questionnaire and find out how your farm/facility rates. You will also learn ways to improve the areas that are at risk.
The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. Please choose the answer(s) that best reflects your farm.
CALCULATE the Biosecurity risk on your farm/facility.

6 Key Tips to Protect Your Horse From Sickness:
Check out Equine Guelph’s online courses to learn more!
Equine Guelph thanks Dr. Josie Traub-Dargatz and Dr. Alanna Kirby (Colorado State University), for providing content and Dr. Katie Flynn (United States Equestrian Federation), Dr. Krista Estell (Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine), Dr. Scott Weese (Ontario Veterinary College) and Dr. Alison Moore (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs) for reviewing and updating content. Equine Guelph thanks the Equine Disease Communication Center and American Association of Equine Practitioners’ Foundation for the Horse and for their support.